" Love is profoundly political. Our deepest revolution will come when we understand this truth. "   - bell hooks

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Fav author, bell hooks. RIP

" I remember speaking her words to the wind, hoping that if I ever forgot who I was, the wind would remind me. Whenever I am hungry for truth, I turn to her work. When I need support or encouragement, I turn to her work. When I need to be reminded of how to love and fight, I turn to her work." 

  - Associate Prof Karsonya (Kaye) Wise Whitehead, Ph.D., 

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The only books I physically took on the plane from Rarotonga to Sydney, were hers. There is nothing butterflies and rainbows about bell hooks writings. She is honest, and reads us as we are reading her. There is a depth of love  in her work, that requires liberation from the patriarchy.

bell hooks writings 

                  If I stocked a  library

Writing a book! Been a long process, started in 2017...


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