" Our final goal is to be completely free of any bondage. This also includes spiritual bondage." - Bhai Sahib Ji.
We have been fortunate to learn from our teachers Kirpal Singh, known as Sri Bhai Sahib Ji and Dr Kanwal Jit Singh, both whom have passed on, an easy and effortless meditation.
Some links provided about the meditation.
We have groups around the world meditating.
Monday, Wednesday and Thursday
800pm Sydney/ Melbourne
700pm Brisbane
Indigenous Meditation
As an indigenous, working class woman, I am aware about the trauma from colonisation, racism, patriarchy, capitalism and imperialism on our people and how these are not marketing strategies.
Any form of spiritual practice, needs to have this understanding and I apply this understanding in practice
In Search of the Infinite
A close friend and meditator wrote this book. It took him 16 years to write.
" In this insightful memoir, Athan East entertainingly describes his upbringing in traditional Chinese religious worship, and how his search for deeper meaning, along with an increasingly desperate quest to find a cure for his disabled daughter, led to his discovery of Vibrant Celestial Meditation.
Guided by meditation master Bhai Sahib, Athan East recounts the life-transforming experiences he has had over three decades as a member of a meditation group in Kuala Lumpur. The spiritual knowledge he has accumulated proves to be hard-won. Honestly, and often humorously, he recounts coming face-to-face with his personal shortcomings, the struggles he had to overcome them, and the profound understanding of his life and his family's situation he received as a result. One quite unexpected breakthrough is that his wife is able to spontaneously connect to higher spiritual beings.
In Search of The Infinite passionately and non-dogmatically explores ideas and experiences all readers will relate to. Major themes include health, relationships, children, money, karma, spiritual awakening and growth, the nature and benefits of meditation, the usefulness of reading the world's greatest spiritual texts, our transition into the afterlife, salvation, the role of the guru, and how The Infinite guides us all back to our spiritual home.
This is a book that readers seeking to understand themselves as spiritual beings will find not just informative but, in places, revelatory. A vibrant personal account of one man's spiritual discoveries, In Search of The Infinite offers illuminating insights into how we may live spiritually in the modern world."